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Hanging out_ walking and sharing. ErleWalkzine, Urbane Künste Ruhr, Gelsenkirchen, 2024. 60 Seiten, deutsch. Keywords: Walking; sensing; hanging-out-knowing; sharing; mapping the city; sharing

Performing LandscapesA feminist epistemology of walking. Artistic Research Department, Den Haag 2023, 57p, English. Chapters: from land of amnesia to land that remembers; between the skies; the value of traumatized human-object relation; patriarchy written in stone; there is no female in flâneur; flexen; silient sea – partycipatory group walk; writing with images – object-based micro-history; ritual practice, liminality & the object’s agency; performative monuments and tools of remembrance; manifest! proposal for flexomythography; bibliography & notes

So what are the Books? Are they you know book books? What is this? This is a mirror, this was a seed. A publication by Anne Arndt, Valerio Conti, Aleksandra Komsta, Simon Labbé, Maitiú Mac Cárthaigh, Maureen Marck, Ghazale Moganaki, Marieke Peeters and Designer Paul Gangloff. Printed by Fortuna Speelkaarten. © the authors for their own works, 2023. Available at Page Not Found — Centre for Artistic Publishing.

Loving Critique. Publication of the department’s Keywords series, Artistic Research Department of The Royal Academy The Hague. Book launch and readings, 14. September 2022, 7pm, Page Not Found, Boekhorststraat 126, Den Haag, NL. An annual publication written, edited and designed by members of MAR (Anne Arndt, Valerio Conti, Aleksandra Komsta, Simon Labbé, Maitiú Mac Cárthaigh, Maureen Marck, Ghazale Moganaki, Marieke Peeters), supported by the design team Rietlanden Women’s Office. Available at Page Not Found — Centre for Artistic Publishing.

The value of traumatized human-object relation. case study, 2022, 20 p, English. Keywords: Hannah Arendt; Simone Weil; Paul Virilio; Atlantikwall; action research; walking as research method; timetravel; trauma;

Writing with images, editions for PAF, Performing Arts Forum, France. Authors: Anne Arndt, Valerio Conti, Aleksandra Komsta, Simon Labbé, Maitiú Mac Cárthaigh, Maureen Marck, Ghazale Moganaki, Marieke Peeters and Jasper Coppes. France, 2022. Available at PAF.

Die DDR hat’s nie gegeben 95 Seiten, deutsch. Inhalt: Prolog; Freund vs. Feind: Entstehung der Küstenbeobachtungstellen der DDR; Befehl der Volksmarine; KBS Wustrow; Die Geschichte von Dina, Alf und Mursuk; Heimat vs. Flucht: Von Architekturen, Maschinen und Menschen; Künstlerische Auseinandersetzung; Propaganda Ost vs. West; Fluchten über die Ostsee; In Gedenken an; Transitionelle Gerechtigkeit; Wasser vs. Land: Spurensuche I; Monolithwanderung – Natürliche und anthropogene Faktoren; Spurensuche II; Wir vs. die Anderen: Identität vs. Othering; Memory vs. History: Vom Nicht-Erinnern und Vergessen; Epilog. Köln, 2021.

Gur. Dovetower. Histories and futures. 30 Seiten, deutsch. Architekturgeschichte(n) des Taubenturms; Unruly beeings; Hostile and defensive architecture; Animal Added Design; Human-Animal Studies; Taubenkunst; Entwürfe und Modelle: Dovetower by GUR (Bandke & Arndt). Köln, 2019.

Ideologie manifestiert sich im Raum, 56 Seiten, deutsch. 2017 Inhalt: DDR Typenschulbauten der 60er und 70er Jahre; Walter Ulbricht; Hermann Henselmann; Bezirks Individualität; Lehrauftrag; Oral History: Drei Generationen; Interviews: Lehre damals und heute; Wende. Abriss, Umbau, Leerstand; Pionier werd ich wohl nicht mehr.

Von scheiternden Mühen. Fotoband Rostock, 20 Seiten, deutsch. Design Department Krefeld, 2012.